Parent Link

September 15, 2008

How are parents involved in your children’s ministry? And I mean all of your parents…any parent that has a kid enrolled in your ministry program.

We are endeavoring to make our children’s ministry a true “partnership” with the families and a good portion of our parents do not have an active roll in this ministry.

Should parents have an active roll in children’s ministry by filling volunteer roles?

What percentage of your parents volunteer?


July 30, 2008
You thought Kidfest ’08 was the greatest? Wait till you see what’s in store for Kidfest ’09. This is the greatest weekend of the year for kids. It’s a time of transformation! Mark your calendar now for the 2009 Kidfest season dates and locations. New Kidfest locations will be added soon. Watch for future information about this year’s events and locations!

Frontier Kidfest: April 3-5

Carolina Kidfest: April 24-26

Midwest Kidfest: May 1-3

Smoky Mt. Kidfest: May 15-17

This year’s theme is RIDE THE WAVE!

What would you like to see at this year’s Kidfest? Share some ideas!

Any testimonies about past Kidfest events? Share one!


PIXAR… Master Story Tellers!

July 30, 2008

My family went to the movies recently to see ‘Wall-e.” As expected, the genuis of Pixar shined through once again. The makers of some of the best animated films ever… including The Incredibles, Toy Story, and Monster’s Inc… once again showed why they are the best. They are MASTER story tellers!

Sure, they always have amazing, new graphics, perfect soundtracks, and the best voice-overs in the business. With Pixar though, all these elements are there to support (and never overpower) the reason for their movies… to tell a GREAT story!

In addition to telling a great story, the folks at Pixar humanized their insentient characters like only they can. One of the coolest moments in the movie for my family was at the climax. Without giving too much away… Blake (my seven-year-old) got it! He was telling me why things weren’t working and was providing me with the technical solution. However, I new this plan wouldn’t work, but I didn’t know how they were going to resolve it. Well, let’s just say they did it perfectly… even with a gesture of respect to some of the Disney classics.

Way to go Pixar!

As children’s ministry leaders, we must never allow stuff to overpower THE Story we have to tell. The methods of our ministry must never supersede the Message. We must remember that we’ve got the greatest story of redemption the world has ever known, and all our efforts at creativity should be to present that Story in a way that is understood by the audience. Creative programming is the means to the end!! The end is kids accepting the truth of the Story!!

Anybody else see the movie? What were your thoughts?

The BIG Challenge

February 24, 2008

The BIG Challenge

We recently closed out a teaching series at GenesisKIDS entitled the BIG Challenge. In the series we talked about getting into spiritual shape. We covered issues with the kids that would help them focus on becoming all that God wanted them to be.

When we closed the series, I remember praying for the kids during that last service. I prayed for them to respond to God’s leading so they could do great things for God. But then, in a moment I will not soon forget, the Lord checked me and I changed my prayer. I prayed that the kids would first allow His Spirit to change them. Then I repented for the times I prayed for God to do great things through me instead of in me. I asked for forgiveness for the times I wanted change the world, but I neglected to allow His Spirit to change my heart.

It seems kids today are more socially aware then my generation. In my experience with them, they are definitely more concerned about issues affecting the world then my friends were in the 80’s, and that is without a doubt a good thing! However, in order to affect real, eternal change, it will take kids (and adults) whose concerns go beyond the social injustices of today. God needs people whose principle concern is how they respond to God’s leading their personal lives with that still small voice. To put it more succinctly, the BIG challenge for us today is to focus on what God wants us to be, before we obsess over what He wants us to do.

Engage 21 Conference

February 1, 2008

design-1.jpgAn invitation is being extended to visionary leaders who desire to be connected and empowered for ministry. Engage 21, February 28 and 29, is the first conference of this type in the Church of God and we are excited about its potential! I long for a re-focus on the mission which Jesus initiated. Perhaps the dialogue and interaction allowed at this gathering will help us to do that. I greatly appreciate the emerging leaders, including church planters, lead pastors, children’s pastors, and student ministry pastors. One of the tensions we all experience is the uniqueness in which God has created us for a specific purpose in the place where He desires to go. We have to allow for differences in style and methodology. While the Word does not change, culture shifts. And in order to be effective in reaching our varied cultures, we must empower individuals to proceed, doing whatever it takes to win their communities for Christ! We have to make a choice to choose to encourage, rather than criticize!

I’m excited about the future, if we can regain our focus on the mission and not on positional movement with selfish agendas. As long as we are willing to deny ourselves and our desires, then God can mold us, shaping us into a vessel fit for His use in today’s world. I’m ready to be propelled into the future! I believe in the new generation of leadership. I choose to stand still, listen for His voice, maintain integrity to the call and character of Christ, and obey. As Erwin McManus, I too want to follow the barbarian way!

Join me on the journey! Take a look at the Engage 21 Conference information which can be seen at There you will see a promo video, schedule, and registration form. I hope to see some fellow barbarians there!


New Kids Church Curriculum Available

January 30, 2008

mighty-acts.jpgI know that children’s leaders and children’s pastors are always looking for good children’s ministry curriculum. Lance Colkmire is a proven writer of quality and creative kids ministry curriculum. I’m proud that this quality is coming from Church of God writers! I encourage you to consider the latest addition to the kids church curriculum.

Mighty Acts is a children’s worship curriculum based on the first eight chapters of the Book of Acts. Its 13 services are written to help kids develop a heart for a lost world and receive boldness and power to witness for Christ.

There are two components to the curriculum:

* 120-page leader’s guide featuring Bible lessons, Mighty Sound Band stories, 40 object lessons, puppet and people skits, focus-verse activities, teaching games, and a weekly prayer focus.

* CD containing 104 full-color illustrations (created by Timbuktoons) for the Mighty Sound Band stories and graphics for the 13 focus verses.

Written by Lance Colkmire and Jerry Lenz, this new curriculum retails for $69.99. However, it can be purchased for $59.45 by ordering online at

To receive a free sample lesson, write to


January 22, 2008

At a recent GenesisKIDS staff meeting, I shared 5 priorities to focus on for the Spring of this year.

  • Prioritize Parents

We always do a great job of loving on the kids in our ministry, but we must not neglect the parents. We’ve got to remember that parents are the primary spiritual providers for their kids. And when it comes to their kids spiritual development, we are THEIR partners. Greet the parents! Welcome new parents! And communicate with them compassionately!

  • Build the Team

Everyone on our team should be looking for someone to train up. We believe God has growth in our future, but He’ll send the growth only when we’re ready for it! We’ve got to have a team in place not just for today, but tomorrow!

  • Execute with Excellence

I recently read a quote in Tony Dungy’s book: “Do common things uncommonly well, and the world will stop and notice.” It doesn’t matter if we’re changing diapers, playing a simple game Speed Stacks, or teaching an eternal truth with life changing implications, do it with passion and excitement. Be in the moment!

  • Own our Environments

Follow through with all of our security procedures to ensure a safe and secure environment. Intentionally notice ways we can improve the elements of our ministry areas. Pray for creativity from our Creator to constantly be improving our environments so we may capture the minds or children. Because, if we capture their minds, we can speak to their hearts.

  • Glorify God

What a privilege! No matter how hard we tried, we could never earn the right to get to do this. God has invited us into an adventure and in everything we do, let’s do it for His glory. We’re not looking for the approval of man, we’re serving the Lord!

What are some priorities you’ve made for your ministry this season?

Merry Christmas to Our Members!

December 21, 2007

On behalf of the leadership team of the National Children’s Leaders Association, we wish all of our members and their families a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year! Please be safe and get refreshed as you spend time with your family making memories during this season. May God bless you and we look forward to hearing from you in 2008.

ncla logo

Special Offer from Jim Wideman Ministries

December 19, 2007

Jim Wideman is offering NCLA members a discounted membership for the club. In an earlier post I wrote that the club is a monthly leadership resource just for children’s ministers taught by Bro Jim.

If you join by January 15th you can save $44 off the mp3 membership.

You can find more info about the club at

To take advantage of this offer email Bro Jim at

Thanks Bro Jim.

Jim Wideman

December 13, 2007

Many of you know about Jim Wideman, better known as Bro. Jim. He is one of our guest speakers at FOCUS 08. If you have not checked out his site (which is linked on the right of this blog) I would encourage you to do so. Jim offers many great resources for children’s ministry leaders.

I personally have gained much from being a part of the club. As a member you receive a monthly teaching from Bro Jim and discounts on other Jim Wideman Ministry products. The insights Bro Jim offers in these monthly teachings are priceless and are extremely practical not only in children’s ministry, but in life.

I have found over the years that Bro Jim is a very personable and down to earth guy. He cares greatly for children and has a passion to help those who minister to them. What he has shared through his books, teachings and conversations have impacted my life and ministry more than any source, other than Jesus Himself.

If you are looking for practical leadership helps to assist you on your journey as a children’s minister, Bro Jim has something for you. We are blessed to have Bro Jim as one of our guest at FOCUS.